Divorcing with Dignity is a 7-week online course designed to take the guesswork out of the divorce process.

Discover exactly what steps you need to take to end your marriage as smoothly, amicably and affordably as possible so that you can start living freely and on your own terms.

Watch this short video to learn more.


Does This Sound Like You?

You’ve been thinking about getting a divorce for a long time but have been paralyzed by fear and anxiety.

You can’t help but incessantly wonder:

➡️ “Will the kids be okay with having two separate homes?”

➡️ “Will I lose the home and walk away with nothing?”

➡️ “Where will I live?”

➡️ “How will I manage financially on my own?”

➡️ “What will family and friends think?”

➡️ “Will I be okay alone, possibly forever?”

➡️ “Can I afford to spend my life’s savings on an attorney?”

➡️ “Will I ever get over this and be happy again?”

Or maybe your husband told you he wants to divorce and you didn’t even see it coming…

Your whole world is crumbling down and you’re feeling powerless to stop it.

The feelings of betrayal, devastation and shock are debilitating. You can’t even see beyond the pain.

If either scenario describes you...

It’s no secret that divorce is one of life’s most painful and stressful experiences.

For whatever reason, your marriage fell apart despite your best efforts.

You’ve tried everything to save it—marriage counseling, working on your communication, trying to forgive and forget—nothing worked, nothing changed.

Now you’re stuck in an unhappy marriage with no clue what to do next or what to expect moving forward.

Maybe you’ve tried researching online or talking to others who have been through a divorce before…

But instead of getting clear guidance, you ended up more confused and overwhelmed.

You don’t know what you’re doing or how you’re feeling anymore…

All you know is that you’re exhausted.

You wish you could go to sleep and wake up to everything just magically resolved. ✨

You want to feel happy again.

No matter where you are, no matter whether divorce is your decision or you’re on the receiving end, the most crucial thing you need to do to have a smooth divorce is this

Yes, on top of the conflicting emotions you’re already feeling...

You’re going to have to make a ton of critical decisions—ones that will impact your financial future, your children’s wellbeing and that you’ll have to live with long after the dust has settled.

Talk about overwhelm!

But how do you plan and prepare for something you don’t know anything about?

That is exactly why I’ve created the Divorcing With Dignity Online Course!


Divorcing With Dignity is a one-of-a-kind divorce online course

Inside the course, you’ll receive a roadmap of the divorce process, professional mentorship, including all the necessary tools and resources so that you can navigate through the most emotional time of your life with clarity, confidence and control.

With this step-by-step guidance, you can beat the overwhelm and actually feel confident in the choices you’re making for you and for your family.


Let’s fast-forward to your new reality if you decide to join:


Imagine how relieved and at ease you’ll feel when you understand how the divorce process works.

You’ll have a clear understanding of:

☑️ How the legal system works

☑️ Your rights and responsibilities

☑️ Your divorce options

☑️ Dividing your marital estate, spousal and/or child support, what child custody and parenting plans will be best for your family

☑️ How to choose the right experts-- attorney, mediator, team of professionals

☑️ What to do before, during and after logistically and financially

☑️ The documents and things you need to gather and organize

☑️ How to love and care for yourself through it all

At the root of everything, you’ll know what your goals are, the outcome you want and how to create the future you want for yourself and your kids.


How amazing would it feel to confidently make decisions with courage, having difficult conversations with ease, knowing what to say to your spouse and kids to lessen the tension while having full trust in yourself?

Confidence is a result of being aligned with what truly matters to you and having a resilient mindset.

Changing the narrative from “woe is me” to “I can get through this and starting to live a truly miraculous life” will leave you feeling strong and courageous.

You’ll overcome fears, reduce or eliminate negative thinking, and open up to new ways of thinking about yourself and your life.

Best of all, you don’t have to do it alone. You’ll have a built-in support system that has your back and will lift you up.


Imagine grabbing the reins during a time when you’re feeling completely out of control.

As you already know, the only thing you can control is yourself.

Through this process, you’ll become fully in control of your finances, the choices you make, and how you show up during this transition.

You’ll be better able to manage the emotional rollercoaster, dealing with grief and detaching emotionally, while focusing on your self-love and care.

You’ll learn to foster an attitude of gratitude and appreciation for the experiences, even through the challenges of divorce.

You’ll know how to respond (not react) no matter the situation.

Best of all, you’re in full control of creating a new identity and building a positive foundation for your new life, on your own terms.

Just imagine what life could be like if you ended the marriage that’s not working with respect and honor for the love you once had.

🌟 You’d avoid all the unnecessary pain, stress, and drama.

🌟 You’d be able to move on, establish new and healthy family dynamics and an amicable co-parenting relationship with your ex-husband.

🌟 You’d have a civil, cooperative and even friendly co-parenting experience, regardless of how your spouse reacts.

🌟 You’d become a more engaged and better mom since you would have less headache and heartache to deal with.

🌟 How happy you will feel when you discover the new you, do more of the things that you once enjoyed and find new interests and hobbies that make you feel alive and reinvigorated.

🌟 How amazing you’ll feel when you make peace with what once was, knowing that the past no longer has a hold on you.

🌟 And how awesome would you feel to live life on your own terms, enjoy your newfound freedom and have full control over your time.


All you need is the right guidance and support.

I know this because I’ve helped countless women, just like you, go from being an emotional wreck, utterly overwhelmed, lost and confused to relieved, confident in themselves and the choices they’re making and excited to start their newly single lives.



Hi! I’m Maria Akopyan-- California-based family law attorney, certified life & divorce coach with a background in marriage and family therapy.

Being a litigation attorney for years, I have been in the trenches of so many high conflict divorces, ones that drag on for years even after the divorce was finalized and each party owing 6 figures in legal fees.

The kids are put in therapy and struggle to adjust to the new life they never asked for.

The damage that a highly contentious divorce can cause is unbelievable and really unfortunate.

On the other end, I’ve also facilitated some beautifully peaceful and compassionate uncouplings.

Imagine shaking hands with you soon-to-be-ex as you finalize your divorce, wishing each other well in your new lives. Reaching a fair and reasonable settlement quickly and with ease and spending less than the average cost of a divorce (which is estimated to be $15k without kids!) That’s what my clients have been able to achieve!

What most people don’t realize is that having a law license is not enough to help people deal with this emotionally and financially charged transition.

As you go from deconstructing and destabilizing everything you once knew as a married person to reconstructing and reorganizing a brand new life, you need someone who can help transform this challenging situation into an empowering one!

That’s why I’ve combined law, psychology, and spiritual principles to provide a holistic approach to divorce.

I have been coaching women through their divorces, helping to turn their pain into a powerful awakening, building their lives back up and creating their new identities.

The work I’ve been doing through my Dignified Divorce Coaching practice has been featured in many public platforms.

 Long story short, I’ve devoted my life to helping women all over the United States get through the complicated and emotional maze of divorce – while minimizing the pain, stress and suffering that comes with it.

And I’m here to help you do the same.

The reason that I decided to bottle my know-how and put it out into the world is because…

Divorce can be complicated, stressful and very expensive.

 … and I know the solution to simplifying the process so that you can leave your unfulfilling marriage smoothly, peacefully and cost-effectively, Divorcing With Dignity.

Because you can have a positive divorce experience!

I’m going to show you how to get started and exactly what to do each step of the way so that you can make the transition without the anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion or financial ruin.

See you there?


Great question! Divorcing With Dignity may be perfect for you if you’re ready to:

  • Leave your unhappy marriage 
  • Learn what divorce is all about and if it’s truly the step you want to take if you're on the fence
  • Take control of your emotions and mindset so that you can improve your overall quality of life and have a more positive experience during this difficult time
  • Make the best decisions for yourself and your children, one that is rational and based on compassion and respect
  • Understand your rights and the options available to you
  • Negotiate a fair and equitable outcome
  • Simplify and streamline the divorce process so that you’re organized and prepared
  • Grow from the pain to emerge with positivity, optimism and confidence
  • Stop wasting time on the internet searching for "how to" articles related to divorce


You may be thinking, “That all sounds great, Maria, but…"

While I recommend working with an attorney in most cases, one of the biggest mistakes I see so many people make is relying solely on their attorney to handle this process for them.

Divorce is 20% legal and financial while 80% of it is emotional.

Having a law license is not enough to help you through it. The specific legal issues at hand are only a subset of the totality of the experience.

Quite frankly, most attorneys don’t delve into or support the emotional aspects of divorce. Most not trained to deal with the emotional impact that divorce may cause. Their focus is on legal issues and advocating for your position, making recommendations based on law. Some may push you towards a direction he/she may not want or think is best. They may listen to you vent but charge at an hourly rate of $300 and up for that time.

Many times the excessive legal fees are largely due to clients using their lawyer as their therapist, coach, financial planner, and friend– all at a very high hourly cost. 

The fact is, you need a team. You need someone who is trained in both the legal and emotional aspects of divorce.

That’s where Divorcing With Dignity comes in!

The divorce coaching I provide helps you to feel supported during this difficult time. You’ll learn to process emotions, develop a mindset for divorce success, and get clear on core values in order to set reasonable goals.

Divorcing With Dignity will help you create strategies and prepare to move forward through a complicated process. Feeling more confident, prepared, clear and in control. 

Through the work you’ll do in this program, you’ll be more clear and make rational decisions which makes working with attorney or mediation process smoother.

This program is the single largest cost-savings tool you can use.

You’ll have the ability to save you thousands, if not more, on the legal fees by streamlining the paperwork and information process and receiving emotional support from a professional at the same time.

You’ll also get tips on how to find the right attorney for your case and when to change your attorney if the one you hired isn’t working out well for you.

Yes, you can always represent yourself, do research and have a do-it-yourself divorce.

The problem with figuring things out on your own is that the internet is filled with tons of information and often times the information is unreliable.

Without knowing how the legal system works, you could forget to discuss critical issues since you don’t know what you don’t know.

This could result in a vague agreement or having to go to court later on to further spell out the details you missed.

Not to mention the amount of time and effort you’ll have to put in to even get up to speed with the complexity of all that goes into dissolving your marriage!

Let’s say you decide instead to fill out the paperwork online using a website or online software. You’d need a high level of trust and ability to work well together since one person registers for the software and fills in the information.

If you don’t trust that everything you agreed to will be correctly inputted, you could make some costly mistakes. Not to mention that these softwares are generally pre-programmed and don’t give you the opportunity to fully customize your agreement, or take into account your specific situation.

Doing it yourself means you’ll have to invest a high level of emotional capital just to save some money.

Divorcing With Dignity is designed to lay out all of the information for you so that you have all of the tools in one place for making informed decisions that are customized and tailored to your specific situation.

You’ll also have the support of a professional trained in law and therapy to hold your hand through it.

Mediation is a great option!

It definitely can save you time and money. Keep things peaceful and keep you out of court.

The problem though: mediation doesn’t work for every case.

It requires both parties to be fully transparent, cooperative, and negotiate in good faith. If you and your spouse can’t work well together or be able to compromise, then you may find yourself falling out of mediation and into court to deal with the unresolved issues—costing you more money in the long run.

Divorcing With Dignity on the other hand helps you understand the various divorce options that are available to you so that you can choose the best one right from the beginning.

This will save you more time and money than jumping into a process without understanding whether it’ll be a good option for your case in the first place.

Plus, if mediation is in fact the best choice for your situation, Divorcing With Dignity guides you in what exactly you need to do to find the right mediator and what questions to ask.

The mediator you hire will make all of the difference in how peaceful and cost effective your divorce will be, so you’ll need to choose wisely!


Getting a divorce with no guidance, no plan, and no support is like traveling to a foreign country...

Without a smartphone, without speaking the language, and without knowing anybody.

You’re setting yourself up for disaster.


Here's what you'll get:

  • A complete roadmap of the divorce process, so you can be prepared for each and every step
  • Me guiding you through the process by helping you pinpoint exactly what you want as an outcome and how to pursue that
  • Help choosing the best divorce process for your specific situation and desired results
  • Tips for strategizing a win-win divorce settlement with your soon-to-be-ex
  • The best tools to work through the emotional process and develop a positive mindset
  • Guidance on building a solid foundation for post-divorce life and love
  • Clarity on how to make the transition emotionally, practically, and financially
  • Help preparing and organizing all necessary documents and details, so you can reduce the overwhelm, and save time and money 
  • Assistance in finding the best attorneys and mediators for your specific situation
  • Tools for co-parenting success
  • And so much more!


Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover if you join:

Immediate access to all 7 modules and lessons.

Materials also include an accompanying workbook for each lesson with cheat sheets, checklist and written material to support your learning.


The Divorcing With Dignity self-study portion is designed to walk you from the very beginning of the divorce process, from pre-separation to post-divorce life.


Enroll now and you'll also get these Special Limited Time Bonuses that will add more support and guidance!

Since this is going to be all very new to you, you’re likely to have a lot of questions.

My clients pay me thousands of dollars to work with me one-on-one but as a bonus to enrolling in the Divorcing with Dignity course, you’ll be able to jump on a group coaching Zoom 60 minute session each week of the program and get your questions answered from a professional.

Divorcing with Dignity is not some fluff filled online course with a bunch of videos and no real help.

This is a live mentorship where you can get the coaching, feedback and authentic support by myself and other women in the program that you need to get big results.

This is an opportunity for you to be mentored by me personally and work with me side-by-side.

This alone can save you thousands of dollars in lawyer fees and countless hours. ⚠️

Divorce can be a very isolating and lonely experience.

But growth and healing happens in community where you can feel safe and understood.

That’s exactly what you’ll get as part of this exclusive community!

This is not a Facebook group. You’ll only be able to join if you’re a part of the Divorcing with Dignity coaching program.

The women in this group are all going through a divorce (or came out on the other side) and are there to empower, uplift and support one another during this difficult time.

You’ll have 24/7 lifetime access to this community and be able to connect and form lifelong friendships.

What would it be worth to you to have a group of supportive women who are there to help you in your healing journey?

The support and understanding you’ll receive from the group alone is worth joining.

You will also get immediate access to my Masterclass called Unbreakable: 3 Keys for Developing a Resilient Mindset to Overcome Any Crisis.

What you’ll learn in this Masterclass is:

  • A specific go-to process that will help you navigate any crisis you may face without years of heartache so you can move forward quickly,
  • How to change your thinking and mindset, break free from limiting beliefs, combat negative self-talk to create a positive and loving inner dialogue,
  • How to increase your experiences of positive emotions no matter what happens and feel better almost instantaneously,
  • Exercises that help reduce stress, anxiety, fear and overwhelm so that you’ll have more calm and clarity in your daily life,
  • How to find meaning and purpose through your hardships and become an even better version of yourself, and so much more.

I’m going to give you this Masterclass, absolutely for free when you join the Divorcing with Dignity coaching program.


All for the price of what a divorce lawyer charges PER HOUR! Take advantage of this introductory rate before this offer expires and the price goes up.


Divorcing with Dignity comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I want you to be satisfied with your investment but you also need to give your best efforts in applying the game-changing strategies you’ll learn from the program.

If for any reason, you decide that my coaching program isn’t right for you, within 14 days of enrolling, just send me an email and you’ll get a prompt and courteous refund.


"I can't describe the level of relief and confidence I gained from working with Maria. The steps she guided me through made me feel more secure as I went through my divorce. I'm so happy that I found Maria and her program. It's the perfect solution for anyone starting the divorce process. I highly recommend investing in this program!"

Elizabeth G.
Los Angeles, California

"Before I found Maria and her program, I was utterly lost, confused and an emotional wreck. I knew there had to be a better way than to 'lawyer up' and fight it out with my husband. That better way was with Maria and her Divorcing With Dignity program! Through it, I learned how to manage the inner emotional turmoil so I could move through my divorce from a place of strength. Not only that, Maria helped me to realize what was worth fighting for and how to handle the complex issues in my divorce. My husband and I were able to reach a fair settlement and our children are adjusting well. Maria's knowledge, expertise and compassionate nature made this process so much easier than I had anticipated! I'm so grateful for Maria and the work she does!"

Carla K.
Los Angeles, California

"Before working with Maria, I had been overwhelmed with all the information on the internet about what to expect and how to handle certain issues. But Maria's program is by far the most comprehensive program out there. Not only did it help me get in the right head space to make decisions for my family, it also clarified so much for me, more than any attorney I had talked to! It saved me so much headache because it simplified the entire process for me. It also improved my relationship with my attorney since I knew what to expect and was able to be proactive in my case. Best of all, Maria also prepared me to handle life after divorce. I know with certainty there is a beautiful life waiting for me in the next chapter, thanks to Maria."

Tracy S.
Rancho Cucamonga, California


You've got questions, I've got answers!

Yes, absolutely.

Even if you aren't 100% sure that you want to get divorced, Divorcing With Dignity will show you exactly what to expect from the divorce process, what goes into it and everything that you’ll need to handle the emotional journey. 

You'll be able to make an informed decision about whether divorce makes sense for you so you don't regret it later. 

More importantly, you'll receive tools that will help you strengthen your relationship with yourself regardless of your situation.

Best of all, you’ll also have a community of women you can look to for support at any time.

Yes. In most cases, you will likely need an attorney licensed to practice law in the state in which you are seeking a divorce in order to effectuate the process and get a final judgment.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT provide legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship with my coaching clients.

Working with a coach in addition to your attorney is a cost-effective process that actually keeps attorney costs to a minimum.

Attorney fees are costly. Most family law attorneys charge $350-400 per hour, sometimes more. Each hour an attorney spends helping you to get organized, answering questions, and providing guidance, the bills add up. While these are necessary steps in the process, a lawyer’s time can be spent in more effective ways.

By investing in the Divorcing With Dignity coaching program, you'll able to accomplish a great deal for SIGNIFICANTLY less.

Additionally, while most attorneys may provide emotional support, they do not having the training in coaching and family therapy that I do.

That's what this program is designed to do-- make sure you have all of the support you need in all aspects.

Divorce is a life-changing event and having an experienced, knowledgeable support team in place ensures that you will make the smartest decision for your family and your future.

As a divorce coach, I will help you understand and cope with the wide range of emotions you are experiencing. At the same time, you'll also get guidance on the necessary steps you'll need to take to move the through divorce process and prepare you for life beyond divorce.


Even though divorce laws varies in each state, the divorce PROCESS is pretty much the same in all states.

Divorce involves emotions, finances, real estate, taxes, kids and more. It also involves negotiation, planning and strategy.

Divorcing With Dignity will help you understand how to get through your divorce more amicably and effectively.

(NOTE: The material doesn’t list out all the divorce laws in every state. If you want to know the specific laws in your state, you'll need to ask a lawyer in your state).

Also, this course likely won't work if you're located outside of the United States. 

No. Divorcing With Dignity is a coaching program where you will learn:

  • How the divorce process works, including the various legal issues,
  • The exact steps to take to get through your divorce effectively,
  • The tools and guidance for making the best decisions,
  • How to handle your divorce lawyer, your spouse and negotiations, plus much more.

I will not be giving any legal advice specific to your case. Enrolling in the program does not create an attorney-client relationship. 

Joining Divorcing With Dignity is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals, financial or other qualified professionals.

After you check out, you’ll get an email with your login details. You’ll have immediate access to all of the modules, members area for the Divorcing with Dignity community and access the Unbreakable Masterclass bonus right away.

Once you’re in, you’ll be provided details on when the Q&A group coaching sessions will be held and how to join the session. You’ll have everything emailed to you with instructions.

You'll have lifetime access to the materials and community.

What makes Divorcing With Dignity different and unique is that it combines law, psychology, and spirituality to provide a holistic approach to the divorce process.

While other programs and courses focus on either the legal issues only or recovering and healing post-divorce, Divorcing with Dignity incorporates specific therapeutic techniques that help you manage your emotions and mindset throughout the entire process along with strategies for handling the legal, practical and financial transitions as well.

This course is jam-packed with everything you need to know, from A to Z, to dissolve your marriage quickly and smoothly while staying connected to your integrity and values.


If divorce is inevitable, having the right mindset and approach is more important than ever. You owe it to yourself and your family to show up powerfully and be as proactive as possible.

I’ve got your back.

The Divorcing With Dignity online course comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Apply what you learn, and you’ll soon see — having a smooth, peaceful and affordable divorce experience is possible.


50% Complete

Two Step

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